Interpath (Ireland) Limited (trading as ‘Interpath Advisory’) undertakes to investigate any complaints we receive promptly and to do what we can to resolve the concerns of anyone making a complaint.
General complaints and complaints concerning insolvency appointments
If you have a complaint or are not satisfied with any aspect of your dealings with Interpath Advisory or you wish to report possible illegal, unethical or improper conduct involving Interpath Advisory or any of its people in any capacity you are invited to raise your concerns as follows:
Please send your complaint to the person appointed to deal with your engagement i.e., one of our Managing Directors or another senior member of staff known to you.
If you are not able to reach a satisfactory resolution in this way then please send your complaint by email to [email protected] or addressed to Sean Keaveney at Interpath Ltd, 10 Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7RB.
If you are still not satisfied
General Complaints
You are entitled to refer the matter to Chartered Accountants Ireland (‘CAI’), the practitioner’s Recognised Professional Body (the ‘RPB’).
Insolvency Complaints
You are entitled to make a complaint in relation to insolvency procedures via the Complaints Gateway at complain-about-insolvency-practitioner. Following receipt of a complaint the Insolvency Service may refer the matter to the relevant RPB for further inquiry.